Serbia was one of six republics that made up the country of Yugoslavia, which broke up in the 1990s. In Feb. 2003, Serbia and Montenegro were the remaining two republics of rump Yugoslavia, forming a loose federation. In 2006, Montenegro split from Serbia.
Fun Facts
Serbia Profile
The local currency is Yugoslav new dinar.
Here you find the current exchange rate.
Serbian Orthodox 84.6%, Catholic 5%, Muslim 3.1%, Protestant 1%, atheist 1.1%, other 0.8%, undeclared or unknown 4.5%.
Serbian (official) 88.1%, Hungarian 3.4%, Bosnian 1.9%, Romany 1.4%, other 3.4%, undeclared or unknown 1.8%.
Arabic (official), English.
Where is Serbia?
It borders Croatia on the northwest, Hungary on the north, Romania on the northeast, Bulgaria on the east, Macedonia on the south, and Albania, Montenegro, and Bosnia and Herzegovina on the west.
Is Serbia safe?
Serbia is quite safe. It is ranked 31st of 162 on the list of the safest and most dangerous countries. Pretty good, right? Serbs are very kind and happy to help.
Do I need a visa for Serbia?
It depends on the country you are from. Check here if you need a visa to travel to Serbia.
Impressions of the Balkans
We have now truly exited the Balkans. We said goodbye to this wonderful part of the world, but not for forever cause im sure we will be back. Not only did the many many beehives show me there is a lot to learn here, but also did the very very expensive cars in rural...