Coming Soon!
Typically every travel related website has a page where highlights of a certain trip, country or city are collected. Great idea. However, we don’t believe that highlights are for everyone.
People are different and so are the things they like, love or dislike. Therefore, we do not share with you our highlights but MYlights. Things WE enjoy(ed).
Restaurants, pubs, amazing roads to drive on, cool churches to see, incredible mountains to hike on. All the things we love and want to share with you.
However, it takes time to write these things down so some MYlights are yet to come. Sorry for the inconvenience. Keep clicking through though, you might end up finding what you weren’t looking for.
Addiction to wonderment
We do not really know what draws a human being out into the world. Is it curiosity? A hunger for experience? An addiction to wonderment? The man who ceases to be astonished is hollow, possessed of an extinguished heart. If he believes that everything has already happened, that he has seen it all, then something most precious has died within him—the delight in life.
Ryszard Kapuściński

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