As prepared as always we were totally surprised by the amount of snow in the area. We love snow, but often we have the right gear with us.

But, we can handle some frozen toes and it’s beautiful to take photos of the van. She is doing a great job btw, like the Dutch say “She drives like the sun shines” ☀️ In proper English; “She drives like a charm” 😉 She really does.

We’ve already got 9 thumbs up, a couple of lighting shows and many smiley faces. 


Where did I left off? Oh yes, we were driving towards Freudenstadt over the Schwarzwaldhochstraße. Freudenstadt is quite a big city, it has a huge square with all shops surrounding it. Shops that were now closed cause besides the bakery, supermarkets and other food related stores everything is closed. It was quite cold so we decided to get a cup of coffee and some bread and a Schweinsohr – delicious! While walking around the little town our feet began to warm up a little bit and we made plans for the night.

Sleeping at a parking lot

Campings are closed, hotels are closed, everything is closed in Germany due to covid-19. You might think this is a hurdle for our adventure but actually it makes the journey a lot more adventurous. Yuri got an app installed which shows all the parking places in the area and as we are allowed to stay for one night on a parking lot we have no troubles finding a place. Because people nowadays travel in their own countries instead of going abroad we are surrounded with either locals or German tourists, which is also nice for a change.

Anyway, we found a beautiful spot at the beginning of several hiking spots. We were the only one at the parking lot so parked the car closed to the forest. Thanks to our sleeping bags we didn’t feel any cold during the night. Only waking up and getting out of it is a challenge. But, seeing the forest trees covered in snow it makes our blood go wild with adventure and wanting to hike. Thus we did so. A little hike because we had a long day ahead.

Next stop; Hohenzollern Castle.

Love, Milene & Yuri